Successful real estate agents have one thing in common and that is their main focus is on their clients.
Success only comes to those, and only those, who are obsessed with making sure their clients are well taken care of. This means past clients as well as current clients.
Your clients today are smarter, more educated and have higher expectations of what you can do for them, so blow their mind with your knowledge of your market and the markets as a whole. Just knowing your community is great, but expand on that knowledge and do the research so when someone is moving in that local knowledge comes into play, but also know the market they are coming from so you can share with them the difference if there is one.
In the world we live in today customer service is lets’ just say…. not like it used to be, but you can change that. Deliver high-end customer service to every single client and you will win them for life.
You need to work a little harder in today’s world to show your client you have their true goals in mind and that you are here to help them achieve it.
I am one that expects high-end customer service from every business. From the person who takes my order through a speaker to the doctor’s office. It is not hard and it doesn’t cost anything to go that extra mile to show them you truly care.
So, let’s discuss your roadmap on how this will look for your business so you can put these ideas into place so when you start following this plan you are already set up to implement.
First, you have to create your strategy on how you build the relationship with every scenario.
Leads – 0-3 months out
3-6 months out
6-9 months out
9-12 months out
Past Client:
What are you going to deliver that makes them want more?
Each month you either reach out with information or call to talk to them or pop-by face to face
What will you do this year to celebrate your clients
Get personal
Home Anniversary
Milestones in their lives – how will you celebrate with them
Social Media – you will want to connect with them so you can interact as they post.
What is going on in their life that you can celebrate with them?
Family announcements
Business Changes
Children’s progress
Animals they post about
Death in the family
Social media is a great way to stay on top of what is going on with your clients and by paying attention you can act on what they have going on.
Say they just go a new car – send them a $20.00 gift card for car washes at the local car wash, or maybe a gas card, drop by a tote for their car. This is a great one to do since no one else is doing it, but let’s say your client got a new car, their child.
Tote filled all things for the car. You can check out my Amazon store for some ideas. Look for “The Car”. This is a popular thing to do for clients. Unusual, but needed for peace of mind. And, you could throw that gift card in with the tote.
When someone has a baby, graduates, etc send a card with a small gift. Diapers, baby wipes, etc are always a great gift. Again, I have some great baby gift ideas at my Amazon Store to help you save time.
New pet in the house – put together a variety of pets items to deliver to them. Amazon store
Make sure to always post on their feed when appropriate.
Putting a strategy together on how you will stay in touch with clients will be the heart of your business, so make it fun and just imagine how much they will appreciate you and from there it will bring you referrals, repeat business and when you do it from the heart it is always a win win.
When I have worked with clients on this area of their business, we not only saw an increase of returning clients, but an influx of referrals from those past clients and the satisfaction of knowing your efforts are appreciated and that is a great feeling to know you made that client feel important or special.
Build the local business-to-business relationship
How will you support local business
How to get them engaged with your plan to build community
How will you teach your team on how to build relationships
Turn leads into full-fledged raving fans
Create a clear game plan that outlines how to talk to each lead, each past client, business, etc
Know what you value and be clear on your goals.
Goals are what sets you up in the future where Values are right now.
You can always change the goal
Values sustain the efforts and are the rocks you count on.
Values become real only when you demonstrate them in the way you act.
Goals and Values define the playing field and rules of the game.
The golden Rule of Management is Value individuals as persons.
In closing decide what you want from your business and take these tips to discover what you will commit to doing and remember it is your business – you do what is right for you and don’t follow the pack.
Decide What You Want
Discover What the Customer Wants
Deliver the results
In the world we live in today I look around and see and have personally experienced mediocre service.
This country is in a service crisis, let’s go out there and give your clients the type of service you expect and deliver that, and you will turn your leads, past client, current clients into raving fans
Taking your clients to the next level of customer service will in turn take your business to an entirely new level by tweaking a few things you are currently doing. If you don’t have a system or plan in place now is the time to create one.
If this is an area that you are struggling in and need some expert help in putting this together, please reach out to me and let’s talk about how we can help you accomplish this goal.
I look forward to hearing how you are building your network of raving fans, so let me know what excites you in this new way of working with client.
Here are some books I recommend to help you take your
Raving Fans – Ken Blanchard & Sheldon Bowles
Never Eat Alone: Keith Ferrazzi with Tahl Raz
Creating a goal-setting system for your business can be the most effective and straightforward tool you could ever implement.