Download the following forms by clicking on the links below.
Real Estate Client Information Sheet
Once you download this client information form you will want to create copies and have them at your finger tips so you can insert into your buyer package or your listing package.
Once completed you will have the information you need to add this client to your CRM.
Add this form to your Buyer Package for your Buyer to decide what is important in their new home. This will allow them to think through the actual needs they need when house hunting.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read my blog and/or watch my video. If there is a topic you would like more information on, please let me know by sending an email to
The Ultimate Expired Listing System Webinar
Are you ready to get serious about working the Expired’s in your market? Are you ready to start building your inventory and put more money in the bank? I bet you are! I have been asked many of times to do a webinar for agents who struggle with the Expired Listing process, so coming in August I will be hosting a Workshop to take you through my Expired Listing System that has been a huge success for many top agents. If you would like to be the first notified just click on the link below and you will
automatically go into my private list to receive the first announcement.
Real Estate Planner – Just for Real Estate Professionals
Ready and motivated to organize your life? The 90 Day Real Estate Planner is a must for any agent,
broker, team leader to implement into their daily lives as it will help you become more productive, find more time and be better organized. Get it today by visiting the 90 Day Real Estate Action Planner – use the COUPON CODE: PLAN18 to get your discount. This special code is for a limited time only, so take advantage of this discount today and get excited about your life becoming more organized and structured.
Are you realizing you need to tighten up your business strategies? Here at Kim Hughes & Company we are the experts when it comes to working real estate agents with start-ups, re-organizing, marketing, transaction management and so much more. Visit us at Kim Hughes and Company to download our free Real Estate Checklist. We will show you how to become a powerhouse agent so schedule a 20 minute complimentary call with Kim today and let’s get you organized and create some amazing strategies for your business.